07/12/2024 bis 08/12/2024

Landscapes of Touch, Padova, Italy

Landscapes of touch
Body-Mind Centering® into Contact Improvisation Workshop in Padova
with Nina Wehnert

The skin is the surface that is in contact with the world around us while embracing ourselves. It is a place of meeting inside with the outside, it is allowing the world to enter and to enter the world.

In this workshop we will explore the different layers of skin with the ability to perceive touch and contact while we feel ourselves. We will explore the fluid embryological development of the skin and we will explore how the nervous system within the skin is allowing us to sense, feel, perceive and respond. We will explore our fluid presence that is underlying our ability for activity and rest. A ground that offers a space of trust, ease and support within us and is supporting touch.
How can we meet in a quality of listening that is opening to the transparency of the moment?

We will follow our inner landscapes of skin and touch into the basics of CI: giving and receiving weight and open into the potential for spaces and multi directions within us and our partners. Sensing the inner movement activity in our partners offers possibilities to accompany the different direction that we meet in the dances.

In this workshop we will explore movement and presence in contact and by ourselves. I will offer very specific anatomical images and information which we will use to integrate and explore through Contact Improvisation dances.

More Infos and Registration: contact.improv.padova@gmail.com