Nina Wehnert
I am a dancer and certified Body-Mind Centering® Teacher, Practitioner and IDME (Infant Developmental Movement Educator). I live in Berlin and Italy and I am teaching Body-Mind Centering® in classes, workshops, dance and yoga training programs and at dance festivals around the world.
I have studied Contemporary Dance at Bewegungs-art, Freiburg and at SEAD, Salzburg. Since more than 30 years I am dancing, researching, enjoying Contact Improvisation, which I have taught with pleasure for more than 10 years. I am so grateful for the many experiences and questions this dance form offers. Every dance is a learning.
For 15 years I have taught Vinyasa Yoga in Classes, Workshops, Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings. I have learned at OM Yoga, a yoga shool that combines Vinyasa Yoga with precise alignment and buddhistic meditation.
Early in my movement career I discovered my passion for anatomy, movement research and the many layers of being human and studied BMC® with moveus in Germany and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in the USA. I am thankful and feel deeply blessed by the wisdom that I could discover through them.
Since 2019 I am a Teacher in the Licensed Certification Programs and part of the core staff of Moveus, the BMC® Certification Training Program in Germany.
I am also offering my own BMC® training program in Berlin as well as workshops and classes. I am regularly teaching in dance and yoga trainings as well as with Movement Artisans in their Axis Syllabus Training Program.
I am also trained in person-centered counseling after Carl Rogers, GwG.
I am in the training of becoming a craniosacral therapist.
Contact: ninawehnert (at) gmx.de
Body-Mind Centering®
Through anatomical information and images, through movement, touch and sensing we become familiar with the different structures of the body, cultivating a deep and subtle somatic awareness. With this awareness, we tune into the qualities of the different body systems: bones, organs, nerves, glands, fluids, muscles, senses and voice.
Using early developmental movement patterns, we explore the stages of human development, from single-celled organisms to walking beings, how they intertwine and shape and support our movement today.
Through subtle awareness of the body’s structures, through touch of the tissues and comprehension of anatomical principles, we cultivate alertness and presence in the body and find movement that feels delicious!
Body-Mind Centering® is often offered in group situations and classes but can also be done in One-on-One sessions. Here are opportunities to address individual questions and personal themes. Touch can reach different tissue layers, enhance the range and quality of movement and improve the wellbeing.
BMC® has been developed since the 70ies from the US-American Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in collaboration with colleagues, dancers and other therapists as well as her partner Len Cohen. She has previously worked as occupational therapist, dancer and dance teacher. Bonnie has not only researched with dancers and movers on movement development and embodiment, she has learned with and from a lot of children that she has worked with.
More infos: www.bodymindcentering.com www.bonniebainbridgecohen.com