Advanced Training Programs

Body-Mind Centering® Programs in Berlin, Italy

These training programs are offering a field of exploration and deeper insight into the principles and approaches of Body-Mind Centering®. Through anatomy, movement and touch as well as partner and group exercises you will become familiar with the different structures of the body, cultivating a deep and subtle somatic awareness.

In the different modules the attention goes to different body systems such as bones, fascia, organs, fluids, the nervous system, endocrine glands, ligaments and the exploration of their dynamics and qualities. Learn how developmental movement patterns influence the way we move and make contact with our environment. Re-experience your embryological origins. Explore the stages of human development, from single-celled organisms to walking beings, how they intertwine and shape our movement and actions today.

My wish is to spark your joy of movement and interest in exploring your body. You will be provided with profound knowledge, engage in in-depth experience and become aware of the interconnectedness of inner and outer processes: awareness on a subtle, cellular level and its expression through movement. This will create space to expand your movement potential and get to know the ways in which you express and differentiate, in other words: to inhabit your body in a new way.

Dance Improvisation and Authentic Movement will serve as integration practices. Each weekend will cover a specific theme; the training modules build on each other.

The training is geared toward everyone wishing to develop a deeper understanding of BMC® and to engage with the world of body, movement and dance. Prerequisites are the desire and willingness to experiment with free movement and touch as well as a responsible approach to working with one’s own body.



The Berlin Training Program is located at Somatische Akademie Berlin.

Teaching languages are german and english

Friday: 18h-20.30h
Saturday: 10h-13h 14.30h-17h
Sunday: 9.30h-12.30h 13.30h-15.30h

1400 €
1200 € reduced

Registration and Infos:
Somatische Akademie

  • 21.2.-23.2.25

    Bones: Structural integrity

    Bones provide a clear internal organization. They provide structure and form. They are part of a three-dimensional tension network of bones, fascia, ligaments and muscles.

  • 28.- 30.03.25

    Organs: fullness, three-dimensionality and breath

    Fascia provides the tensegrity matrix of the whole body. It wraps around all other structures as one continuous spiraling, multilayered, and multidimensional network of expansive sheaths, enclosed containers and specialized attachments. These specialized attachments are the ligaments.They set boundaries of movement between the bones. They coordinate and guide by directing the path of movement and provide specificity, clarity, and efficiency for the alignment and movement of the bones.

  • 25.-27.04.25

    Early childhood movement development

    In early childhood movement development, we explore movements from single-celled organisms to walking creatures. Crawling, rolling, pushing, yielding, reaching, pulling, grasping, letting go and spreading out from the center in all directions are some of the aspects that have their origins in early childhood movement development. They shape how we experience ourselves in the world, make contact and communicate with it.

  • 09.- 11.05.25

    The fluids: rhythm and flow

    Fluids are like communication network in the body.
    Fluids connect, nourish and move us in many different ways. They support flow, lightness, freedom, dynamic and ease in movement.
    Flow, pulsation and rhythm emanate from them.

  • 20.-22.06.25

    The nervous system: regulation and balance

    The nervous system registers, perceives, regulates and gives impulses. It is the organization of bodily functions, movement, perception, rest and action.
    Through autonomous processes, the nervous system creates the basis for
    our wakefulness, thinking and conscious action and reaction.


“Moving presence in Italy”

Body-Mind Centering® Research Program in Italy 2024

Organized by Spazio Seme, Arezzo

Teaching languages are english with translation into italian if needed

Registration and more infos:

The value of the complete program includes:
Classes with Nina Wehnert | 84 hours of BMC® study.
Practice of Contemplative Dance and Contact Improvisation Jams.
Meals : Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner | vegetarian menu.
Certificate of participation.
Value of the Complete Program : 1600 euros

In case you want to participate in a specific module, the prices will be as follows:
I Module Spring | Arezzo – Spazio Seme : 420 euros.
II Module Summer | Nature Retreat – Anghiari, Toscana : 550 euros .
III Module Autumn | Arezzo – Spazio Seme : 340 euros.
IV Module into Winter | Nature Retreat – Gaia Terra : 440 euros.

  • 27.4.-1.5.2024

    Organs: Fullness, Vitality, Relation

    Exploring the fullness, aliveness, elasticity and resilience of organs. We settle into their threedimensionality and explore their places, weight and lightness as support for movement.
    Organs are in relationship with each other and move within their “container”- the embracing bones, muscles and connective tissue. We tap into their embryological pathways and their support for the arms and legs.

    Place: Spazio Seme, Arezzo

    Saturday 27th | 16h-19h
    Sunday 28th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Monday 29th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Tuesday 30th | 10h-13h and 15h-17:30h
    Wednesday 1st | 10h-13:30h

  • 17.-21.7.2024

    Weaving grounds: Developmental Movement Patterns

    In this module we will explore early developmental movement patterns: from one-celled organisms to walking beings. We will experience certain milestones of the developmental movement process aswell as early reflexes, righting reactions and equilibrium responses. A vocabulary of movement that allows growth and interaction with the world. Rolling, crawling, weight bearing, pushing, pulling, reaching, letting go, falling, bonding, relating to earth and space. Embryological development will be layered in.

    Place: Anghiari, Toscana

    Wednesday 17th | 16h-19h
    Thursday 18th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Friday 19th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Saturday 20th | 10h-13h and 15h-17:30h
    Sunday 21st | 10h-13:30h

  • 17.-20.10.2024

    Fluids: Rhythm and Flow

    The pleasure of being alive – in stillness and activity. Each fluid has its own property, weight and rhythm. They move us in various ways, are sensitve and support presence, freedom, lightness, and ease. Fluids dwell in spaces, transform while passing through membranes and are in inseparable relation to each other and the creative forces of life.

    Thursday 17th | 16h-19h
    Friday 18th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Saturday 19th | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Sunday 20th | 10h-13:00h and 14h-16h

  • 28.11.-1.12.2024

    Modulating Rest and Activity - The Nervous System

    Experience first takes place at the cellular level.  The nervous system registers, regulates, classifies and forms patterns that can be retrieved. Through autonomic processes, the nervous system also creates the basis for our alertness, thinking and conscious acting and reacting. It balances movement, awareness, rest and action and forms the perceptual basis from which we view and interact with our inner and outer worlds.

    We will use part of this module to integrate and revisit material from previous weekends.

    Place: Gaia Terra, Udine

    Thursday 28th| 16h-19h
    Friday 29th. | 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Saturday 30th| 10h-13h and 15h-17.30h
    Sunday 1st | 10h-13:00h and 14h-16h