5 Classes – Receive and Let go!
These five classes highlight aspects of taking, receiving and letting go in organs (breath/digestion/heart/liver), fluids (cellular, blood) and developmental movement patterns. Deep nourishment, inner cellular movement and large movement through space are present in all classes. Exploring the aliveness within us, the curiosity and pleasure of relating to the world around us.
Class No 1: Lungs and Heart
Exploring the inner surface of lungs (alveoli) as a place of receiving and letting go. Following the pathway of blood: the connection of lungs and heart.
This class was recorded on Monday 25.1.21.
Duration: 1h 20min
Class No 2: Digestive tract
Exploration of the digestive tract and its volumous support for the spine, its inner surface as place of receiving and letting go- villi, mucus membrane, movement from mouth and anus.
This class was recorded on Tuesday 26.1.21
Duration: 1h 25min
Class No 3: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen
Exploring the liver as place of receiving and letting go, in relationship with the gallbladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas.
This class was recorded on Wednesday 27.1.21
Duration: 1h 5min
Class No 4: The bones of the hand
Exploration of the bones of the hand. Each finger relates to our world around us. The diaphragms of the hands are in relationship to the breath in all diaphragms.
This class was recorded on Thursday 28.1.21
Duration: 1h 14min
Class No 5: The Jaw, Tounge and Hyoid bone
Moving from the senses (Skin, Mouth, Nose, Ears, Eyes). Exploration of the jaw, tounge, hyoid bone.
This class was recorded on Friday 29.1.21
Duration: 1h 17min